July 2019 Board Meeting

July 2019 Board Meeting

Date: 2019-07-22

Starts @ 07:00 pm

Ends @ 09:00 pm
It has been a few months since we finished the Annual Meeting process. We wanted to give everyone a break for a bit, but the time has come to meet again.

This meeting has a few priorities:

We know that the water flows in our park will be a determining factor in the playground equipment replacement. We will discuss where we are at within this process.

Tennis Courts
We've talked to an additional contractor and need to address the maintenance issues related to our tennis courts. These contractors are always very busy, so even if we decide our plan of action this year, it is likely going to be another year before anything can be done.

Despite hiring a new chemical company, the lake is covered in large amounts of algae. We've done some additional research and need to decide on how to move forward. Nothing is cheap for the lake, but we have some options to help us while we save for the necessary dredging.

Fish N Feast
We currently do not have a lead for Fish N Feast. This was a new event last year, but without volunteers, we may have to cancel the event. We will be looking for someone to organize this event and a group to help that leader.

Access Control
One of the items that continues to be discussed is security and access control. As we begin to invest in our neighborhood, it is important that we can protect those investments. In the upcoming newsletter, we've asked for residents to contact us if they have associations with a business that specializes in this field (I believe there are at least 3 different companies with resident affiliations). We will be looking for someone that has time to work along side us to find affordable solutions as we move forward.

Other Misc
There are many other small jobs that need to completed. We will continue to discuss where these fit in. If you know of additional maintenance items that should be considered, please help us address them. Suggestions for new items or improvements, will likely be side-barred until after we catch up on past due maintenance unless they have strong support or help the long term budget.

The neighborhood is working on a website, we have one local volunteer to help add content once it is turned over to us (we can always use more). Once the design is complete, it will be turned over to us to keep up-to-date. This should be done by the end of the year. The goal is to provide an archive of neighborhood information including the bylaws, newsletters, common area rules and other items. Much of our neighborhood history and knowledge are currently on paper, we would like to make sure we don't lose all of those resources.

These meetings are held at the President's home and residents are always welcome (we need to know what is important to you). Beverages and light snacks are normally provided - feel free to bring your own as well.

Please Respond as going if you plan to attend. Please comment if there are additional items you would like to discuss.